Search Results
Which area of your life do you need the most Healing in?
Visionary Goddess
The first letter of your name (according to the sound you say it, for example in the name Christ the first letter isn't CH but K ), tell something about you. Check it out and give your feedback. Is it fit you or not? A, E, O, U, I – need order and organization, control and leadership. B – Blessing, strong need for home and family. V,W – Connection, Utilizing others. G – Altruism, Independent. J – Giving, boasting. D – Diplomacy. H – Spiritualism, Love. Z – fast decisions, Impulsivity. T – Spiritual connection, Cunning, strong personality. Y – good in communication, Fear. K, Q, C – Strong Will, Earthly needs. KH – Life force, Materialism. L – Strong will, Learning. M – Sensitivity, Strong emotions. N – need to Success, need all. S, Ce, Ci – need for Security, Secrecy. SH – Hot personality, Giving. P – Well Speaking, Good Sales man. PH, F – good speaker, Manipulative. TZ – Opportunities, righteous. CH – Cheating, hunter. R – Strong mind
Guide Angel
Planning a Women's Retreat for next year. Given the financial crisis in Greece, I am looking at other options. Where are my sisters interested in traveling to?
Sabrina Ourania
Which path do you follow?
Pentacles of Pride International
Good times to schedule an online weekly group workshops + Q&A with Julien?
Julien Wells Public Page
What time would you be most available for a G+ hangout chat with me or online psychic readings session?
Sherry Andrea
Beltania 2016- YOUR input is needed! What is most important to you, if you are considering purchasing food at Beltania?
Beltania: A Nature-Focused Spiritual Retreat
Can you be Wiccan/Pagan and Christian?
Alchemy Marketplace
What kind of mp3's are you open to getting for free?
The Ancient Templates of Wisdom
What aspect of your life would you like to improve in 2016?
Kostadin Terziev
Where Would You Like To Build A Pagan Off-Grid Community?
Pagans Unite
If you believe in Hell, is it similar to one of these
Carlos Vazquez
Can you really be an effective African-American activist if you embrace Christianity (a religion taught to slaves by white masters)?
Thandiwe Young
Are God and Heaven afterlife and external or present and internal?
Is God/Heaven outside us or inside us?
Richard Young
In which of the following areas of your life would a major positive change make the greatest positive difference in your life overall!
Steven C Ethridge
Would you like to see Audio courses about Dark Goddess practice?
Starry Eyed Supplies
What would you like to learn more about/Next Live Video?
Will Nicholls
Which make the biggest difference to your wellness? ( pick the top 3)
Lou Booth
Men: Would you be interested in a men's group to discuss being a man in modern society along with spiritual "stuff"?
Unity Open Heart Center
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