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As After Donald Trump Statement on Syrian Refugees; Do People of The United States Wants Syrian Refugees In?
Unbiased Diplomat
I've been watching a lot of this debate on bombing Syria. Was curious what the public think, as we don't get a say in this. Do you think we should bomb Syria?
Brad Evans
In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day, Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance." (Isaiah 19: 23-25)
Russell Clifton
PLEASE VOTE & SHARE: Do you think that Haiti should welcome new immigrants from Syria, Libya or Egypt to diversify the population, boost the economy, attract funds, more constructions, new minds, new business, new opportunity and get more relevance in the world stage?
Big Star Truck & Car Rental Services
Should Australia take in more refugees, given the situation in Syria?
St. Louis and other US cities are talking about doing it: Should the Kansas City region accept refugees from Syria?
41 Action News - KSHB-TV
With the estimated 12 million Syrians displaced due to their nation's civil war, should the U.S. accept more Syrian refugees?
Should there be a full scale military intervention against the Islamic State in Syria?
Sohail Ahmed
Should Alaska would join other states in seeking to ban Syrian refugees?
Alaska Talks
What issue concerns you the most right now?
Charlie Johnsen
Do you support the terms of the draft Syrian Constitution?
Conflict Overwatch Group
.کسی ملک کا سربراہ القاعدہ کے دہشتگردوں کیخلاف فتح کے اتنے قریب ہونے کے باوجود اپنی ہی عوام پر کیمیائی ہتھیاروں کا استعمال کریگا؟ ہاں یا نہیں! اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں
Tasnim News Agency - Urdu
Do you support U.S Military Intervention in Syria as a result of the Chemical gas attack in Homs, Syria?
Khaled Kassem
The #StrickOnSyria is a staged play to kill the #TrumpRussia investigation
Kareem Awadalla
Trump Bombing Syria is more:
Right Minds NZ
There is a WAR Coming!? You SURE You're on The right Side!??
Thailand Contribute
من ستنتخب عن المقعد العلوي في طرابلس ؟
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