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Wéi ee Spill wëll dir léiwer am Gaming Café gesinn?
Which TEKKEN 7 Remastered Soundtrack would you like to see next?
YellowMotion Gaming
What is your favorite NAMCO game?
Hey gamers! Help us choose your next fighting tournament!
Play Hard Tournaments
Which of these games do you want to see in future CAPGA events?
CAPGA - Casual And Professional Gamers Association
Would fighting game players in the CG/AZ City area compete in a Tekken 7 tournament? I’ll ask everyone I can think of, but please tell anyone that’s in the fighting game community in CG to vote on this.
Denver J. Houston
Hello Retro City Games followers, for our next video game tournament/Game Night coming up we're thinking about adding another fighting game to the mix. What video game would you come out for (besides Smash and Fortnite which are a given) and compete in at our next Game Night?
Retro City Games
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