Search Results
What personalized vinyl products would you like to see me offer?
KKD - Kaley's Kustom Designs
Shall I change the cover photo ???
Mr Mojo R1Sin
Do you prefer Vinyl or Embroidery?
Two Cute Curls Custom Designs
How many people are interested in personal paint parties and embroidery
Katherine Blevins
What would be your preferred listening experience?
Justin Barber
Which format(s) would you prefer our next album in?
Resolution 88
We're working on a new animation about 2 dogs that run a record store and discover a record player time machine. Help us with the title...
Tell us what you think of 100% Vinyl.
100% Vinyl
HipHop Artist 2016 in der Metropolregion Nürnberg
So it looks like I am getting a record player for Xmas. What essential records should I add to my collection?
The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion Show
Vinyl ( :D :D :D ) or Nahhhh
Ellen Froese
What album would you buy on vinyl?
Desmond Cheese
What would you buy a vinyl decal for?
B's Vinyl Designs
Let's find out things together! /// Találjuk ki együtt! /// Next year Budabeats will be celebrating it's 10th birthday, on this occasion we are planning to release a compilation LP. Question is what should get on the vinyl? Shall we compile a best of kind of thing picking the say 10 best digi tracks from the back catalouge? Or should there be only previously unreleased new tracks? Maybe a mix of the two? Which are your favourite old BB tracks you would buy the vinyl for? Please leave a comment below the poll! ////////// Jövőre ünnepli a Budabeats a 10 éves szülinapját, amire egy válogatás LP-vel készülünk. Mielőtt azonban véglegesítjük a koncepciót, megkérdeznénk, hogy szerintetek mi kerüljön a lemezre?! Válogassunk az elmúlt 10 év digi megjelenéseiből vagy legyenek új számok? Esetleg legyen vegyesen? Ha igen, akkor milyen régi szám miatt vennétek meg a lemezt? A szavazás után kommentbe írjátok meg kedvenceteket! Köszönjük!
So as the Line up is just being finalised who do you hope to see at We Love Notts Festival
We Love Notts Events
Should we make a limited edition screen-printed cover for each next release?
It's almost time for business launch and I have to register a business name. Cast your votes below!
Ad. Venture Creative
MUSIC LOVERS!! How do YOU like to take or hard copy physical ?
MUSIC LOVERS!! How do YOU like to take or hard copy physical ?
Raven Tree
We need your help! Luxury vinyl flooring or engineered hardwood flooring? Why? What are the pros and cons of both?
Amber Diaz
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