Search Results
IF YOU PRACTICE OR TEACH YOGA, QUICK QUESTION: Are you aware that there is no enforcement of standards (body mechanics, ethics, or otherwise) within the yoga industry? (If you just asked yourself, "What about Yoga Alliance?" they are a 'registry' of teachers and not a certification or standards enforcement entity). If you are a yoga teacher and you do know there are no enforced standards within the yoga industry, did you know it when you first signed up for your first training?
Justin Ritchie
Would you be interested in a late winter/early spring 2018 Teacher Training or a fall 2018 Teacher Training?
MI Hot Yoga Teacher Training
Southeast Alaska: I am gauging interest in bringing NamasDay of a Yoga to you! How many of you would be interest in a local yoga festival highlighting local/regional teachers and studios?
Maddy Dap
Hi friends! I'm trying to get to know my audience better. Please let me know a bit about you! Select all that apply.
Maria Kuzmiak, Writer/Editor
Are you interested in a private yoga sequence builder that can be designed, uniquely for you with your needs in mind, and then sent directly to you? This would be so you can practice in the privacy of your own home with the confidence that you are learning from a qualified teacher. I will be offering a free trial to the first 2 individuals who respond by voting YES- and then a special discounted rate to the next 5 people who vote YES and wish to be contacted with further info. Please feel free to offer other suggestions as you see fit! I'd love to hear from you!
Right At OM Yoga
Mission Yogis.... What class times would love to see at our South Abington location?
Mission Yoga - South Abington
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