Search Results
Council are currently working on an Open Spaces report which will identify suitable sites for facilities, including Kingy Skatepark (report to be released soon). Below are 3 likely sites that will be named. Let us know your preference.
Kingscliff Youth and Family Space
Today's big youth / children's work question: When you order pizza for your group, what topping is most popular?
Energize Now
If you were to go back in time and give yourself advice after graduation, what would it be?
If you were to go back in time and give yourself advice after graduation, what would it be?
Jamii Bora Bank
We are looking to add some semi-structured open gym time in the evenings this summer. If you were interested in coming, which evening works better for you: Wednesday or Thursday?
Cobb Atlanta Volleyball
Do You Think That There Should be an LGBT Youth Club for Young People in Kingston?
Marcus D Youthworker
Will you go for a Young Adults Israel Trip that has adventure, community work and interaction with locals on top of the must-see Biblical sites?
White Stone Experience
இக்காலத்தில் பல இளைஞர்கள் ஆன்மீகத்தில் நாட்டம் செலுத்துவதில்லை இதற்கு காரணம்?
Which SDGs out of the 17 should Zimbabwe prioritise? On the 25th of September 2015,the United Nations General Assembly adopted the post 2015 development agenda titled, “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 I total spread across 169 targets. The SDGs will inform development frameworks that governments will pursue globally. Click here to read more
What Mentoring Topics Are the Best for your Family?
Circle City Youth Sports & Mentoring
What type of life skill workshops would you be interested in attending?
Keys Strive YS
Which weekday, would you like to join for our courses?
Zuu Jamal
Should I fundraise to record an album? Or work on self funding it over an extended period of time?
Ocean Finlay
We Are looking at possibly adding another Kids/ Teen Class to our schedule as our current classes are a little early for some students. Let us know what works best for you?
CrossFit Lapeer
YOUTH FITNESS CAMP!! What days and times work this summer for your youth to partake in our Youth Fitness Camps? What Age Group are your Youth? Select all that apply please
SP Fitness
Which of these times works best with your schedule for your kiddos to participate in our online interactive exercise class?
Kids Revolution Online
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