Search Results
What day and time would you most likely go to a Zumba class?
What day and time would you most likely go to a Zumba class?
Jessica Schugardt
What slot would you like to see zumba in?
What time/day would you like to see Zumba?
Base Fitness - Beverley
What do you ladies look in a Fitness Center
What time slot would you prefer for a Zumba Kids class in Term 1, 2020?
Dayboro Zumba
What would you change about our classes if you had all the powers in the world and if we were able to facilitate such a request?
Dayboro Strong
Best ever Zumba warm up
Katy Zumba Sheffield
Would you tune into a live streamed zumba event on Friday January 5th with Stephanie West?
Dawn Williams Skelton
Putting a poll for programs parents are more interested in.
Kids World Indoor Playground
If I did 1 summer zumba class rather than 2 throughout July and Aug what time would suit you best?
Batty Bee
Would you attend a new Zumba class with Holly Kezia?
HKW Sports Therapy
Which style of dance would you be most interested in for September?
The Workshop Dance Studio
Would people be interested in an evening Zumba class? We were thinking Mondays from 6-7PM before Yoga, if people would attend. :)
Pilates on Hilton
What is your favourite fitness class at the Cricklade Leisure Centre?
Cricklade Leisure Centre
What group classes would you like us to offer?
Anytime Fitness at Klahanie
What group classes are you most interested in?
Anytime Fitness New Westminster
Strut Fitness with Krista
Would you be interested in coming to a Zumbathon Fundraiser in Stamford, CT to raise funds for classroom art supplies?
Zumba with Patricia
What would you like to see at Ellicottville Fitness?
Ellicottville Fitness
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