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John's Jingles
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Check Your Facebook Personality
1.FACEBOOK SNIPER: You watch stealth-fully from the bushes waiting for a post from one of your friends (Or so they thought!) that you can pounce on and scold them for a misspelling, misquote, faulty information or some other fault in their post!
2.FACEBOOK PHILOSOPHER: You have all knowledge. You have all wisdom. You have “All the answers!” You will never let a post slip by in which you can show the world just how wise you truly are! How did we all live this long without your precious advice!?
3.CLOSET FACEBOOK-ER: You tell everyone that you are never on Facebook, but secretly you spend hours online reading every post and browsing every single uploaded photo from every single Facebook friend! You know everything that is going on in the Facebook world, but you can’t share it with anyone because, if you did, your secret would be exposed! (Shhh!)
4.FACEBOOK ENGLISH TEACHER: You are obsessed with proper grammar and spelling! You can’t even use text message shorthand! As a result, reading most posts will cause you to break out in hives and convulse as you see a plethora of improper grammar and misspellings! You want so badly to correct them but most of the time you resist in order to keep the peace! (I know, I know! There should be a comma after “them!”)
5.FACEBOOK SYMPATHY SEEKER:You often leave two word cryptic posts like; “Oh no!” – “Not again!” – “Why me!” Your hopes are that someone will read it and think the worst and then bombard you with their support and encouragement!
6.OVERWORKED FACEBOOK-ER: You post every move you make throughout the day and writing skillfully you make it appear as though there has never been, nor will there ever be anyone living that is as busy and as hard working as you! (Come on! If you were really that busy how did you find time to post “all that stuff!”)
7.FACEBOOK GAME NUT: The only reason Facebook was invented was because of the “games!” You send mass game requests to every single friend and can’t understand why most don’t reply and join in on the fun! You’re oblivious to how low your gaming addiction has brought you! You won’t even acknowledge the existence of others until all the candies are crushed!
8.FACEBOOK SPEED READER: You can read the Facebook news feed at lightning speeds! You have mastered the scrolling wheel and can smoothly roll your news feed at a blistering 110 mph while never missing a single post! (Why?)
9.FACEBOOK NOTIFICATION ADDICT: Life isn't worth living unless you have little red notifications at the top of your page, or someone has poked you! (Enough said!)
10.FACEBOOK PHOTOSHOP PRO: All of your photos are glamour shots! All of your “selfies” make you look 30 lbs lighter and 10 years younger! Amazingly no one recognizes you when they see you in person!
11.FACEBOOK FAKER: All of your posts make it look as if you are living a “fairy tale” life. Your friends have the impression that rainbows and butterflies follow you everywhere you go! But…secretly your life is a wreck! (If this is you than you are probably #10 as well!)
12. ARE YOU KIDDING? I don't fit into anyone's mold!
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