Please vote for Smart City Vision of Varanasi and ensure your valuable participation

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Please vote for Smart City Vision of Varanasi and ensure your valuable participation

179 votes
Vision 1: City of temples to be redeveloped as global Epicentre of Culture & Tourism, which is socially and economically sustainable by conserving the old heritage
26% / 47 votes
Vision 3: To maintain and enrich the heritage spiritual cultural and eternal value of Kashi to uplift the livability of city and handover the next generation a vibrant and secure city of light
18% / 32 votes
Vision 6: Holy, Happy, Healthy, Educated, Clean, Green, sustainable and vibrate Kashi
13% / 24 votes
Vision 2: Rejuvenating Kashi the City of Lights as a Sustainable Global Hub of Culture, Heritage, & Spirituality with enhanced quality of life
11% / 20 votes
Vision 7: Create a new Varanasi on a grand scale of Hindu religion as Vatican is to Christian religion Ganga and Ghats should be the most scenic place in the world. Cleanliness, Greenery, Infrastructure, education, medical hub should be of world class structure
11% / 20 votes
Vision 8: Urban planning with quality of life for the citizens, decentralized system and incentive for innovative use of land. Promoting environment of ganga for sustainable growth. Moving from old city to new city with the use of technology
12% / 21 votes
Vision 4: Beneras to be livable and lovable city which enriches the cultural heritage, education, economic growth
7% / 12 votes
Vision 5: Technological intervention for environment management towards sustainable growth with focus on socio, cultural, religious and traditional fabric
2% / 3 votes

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