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Promote this poll: Physics market: Dear parents, Please note that the school will organize some induction sessions on the following: 1- What is IGCSE? Why IGCSE? The IGCSE system and how it works - 2- Parenting sessions including the following: a. Parenting: Unconditional Parenting which means moving from rewards and punishments to love and reason. b. Smart Love : The compassionate alternative to discipline that will make you a better parent and your child a better person c. Parenting with less stress d. The power of positive parenting to empower parents to empower your children. e. Parenting skills and gentle discipline Thanks for your cooperation وداعا للصراخ ورحلة ابوه ناجحه - كيفية التعامل مع الابناء وتنميه مهارات الاباء للتعامل مع الابناء بايجابيه لتسهيل رحل

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