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Have you ever visited The Atlantes?
The Atlantes
¿Está de acuerdo con realizar un aporte mensual a la Cooperadora del Hospital Santa Teresita a través de la factura de la Cooperativa de Servicios Públicos de Rawson"
Nora Banuera 2019
Is it worth resorting to extreme, and possibly criminal (unlawful) actions, to save one person who matters most to you in the world from a torturous existence, even if everyone else will look down on you for it, and misunderstand the reasonsing? Given that every other possibility or plan has failed.
Ben Whitehead
¿Mi decisión de someterme a cirugía de columna depende de?
Espalda Saludable - MKSpinehealth
After experiencing warmth at the #FraserWalk for #Autism we have decided to do more. We will be contributing $100 (Actual donation amount will be $300) to one of the charity below. Please vote on charity of your choice. Please Cast your vote by April 13th 2017 Noon CST.
Kommuru Books
Should the Sisters of Charity own the new National Maternity Hospital?
[ENCUESTA] ¿Cómo calificas la labor del Ministro Ventura Camejo por mejorar los servicios de salud, agua y ayuntamientos?
Ministerio de Administración Pública - MAP RD
What are your Top 10
AdventHealth Center Ice
Which super hero should I cosplay for sick children
Anthony Evans
Vote for Reliance Foundation Hospital Mascot
Do you think it should be made mandatory all Hospitals (Government, private, etc.) should display their rates for services (operations, procedures, consultation fees, etc.)
Marlam Kupar Kharmudai
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