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Who are you voting for president in 2016?
Who are you voting for President 2016?
Who are you voting for President 2016?
Who are you voting for President 2016?
Who are you voting for President 2016?
Chris Leeman
Which NBN do you want ?
Divided By Zero Gaming
Are protest really proving any points?
The Angry Protestor
Cariboo North, who are you voting for, to lead the Liberal Party?
Who are you voting for as leader of the Liberal Party?
BC Liberal Riding Association, Cariboo North
Is the word "ignorant" an insult in your opinion?
Is the word "ignorant" an insult in your opinion?
Morgan Story
SHARE THIS, PLEASE : How many Canadians would endorse a vote of non-confidence in Justin Trudeau?
Mark Dewdney
Which is better, Roosters or Buffalo Wild Wings?
Darren Boyer
Will you vote for Kathleen Wynne?
Will you be voting for Kathleen Wynne in the upcoming election?
Dean Paquette
Can Kathleen Wynne remain Ontario's Premier even if the Liberal Party doesn't have the most seats?
Paul Alli
If you are a liberal, do you believe in Jesus?
Robyn Roberts
If you are politically moderate, who are you more uneasy upsetting with a political posts that someone doesn't agree with?
Vincentius Perrello
Do You Regret Your 2016 Presidential Election Vote?
Alissa Alvarez
Testing: I am going to start using polls for a writing project. Do you like taking online polls?
Letitia Harmon
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