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Which giveaway would motivate you the most to try life-changing wellness products?
Mary Scianna
No question, I am just playing with "poll" on facebook
Gigi Brewer
It's Question Time! Which Italian food is your favourite?!!
Which Italian food is your favourite?!
Caruso's Woodfired Pizzeria
Hi :) I'm just wondering how many of my friends have pets and what kind :) Add to the list if you can't find your answer. (Testing how a Poll system works, really, so please participate hahaha) Thank you :*
Boguslawa Joanna Hartshorne
What do you think needs to be improved?(1st poll!)
DNLifetour-Youtube Group
This is bugging me so I'm taking a poll . O.K Lib's are allowed in on it. To you do you believe the Human "SOUL" is : ?
Lawrence Cline II
Do you think auto-fb-tools.com design is better than autolikeus.me ?
What would you like to see on our page?
Help Me Rhonda
Would you like to see a set of q&a videos for YouTube where you can ask me anything regarding tech/eTeknix? Comment with some questions below and I’ll feature them in a video.
Hello fellow crocheters! I'm working on putting together a list of topics to cover in my blog and was wondering what types of posts would you like to see? Please vote below or add an answer to the bottom. This poll will be open until October 31st, 2017. Thank you so much for your help!
Two Rivers Crochet
Whats your favourite social media platform?
All The 8's
What are you looking forward to seeking at the Trade day?
Jodie's Canvases
Test poll.. Ive never done this before.. Pepsi or Coke?
Michigan City Cakes by Stacy
Project lines
What's your favorite thing about the Pumpkintown Pumpkin Festival?
Pickens SC Pumpkin Festival
Year End Seminar Topics Poll ( OPEN FOR SUGGESTIONS )
Flightwings Aviation
new poll... click on the answers that applies! Please share the poll!!
Floris Louw Designs
Deretan pesulap wanita ini tak kalah HOT dibandingkan dengan model. Siapa favorit kamu? Pilih jawaban kamu
When is the Best Time for You to Vote Early?
Jonathan Wallace for State House District 119
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