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Which Milky Way edit looks best.. Redder or Bluer
StarDude Astronomy
How would you like to see the old Kingscliff Coast Guard Building on the creek used?
Kristie Hedley
Space Defense HD
what is full form of isro?
Rahul Dhatonde
New studio model for consideration. 5500 SF shared space. Combination of big collective spaces, private smaller spaces, storage, retail store, etc. Prime street. Loading for large items. High ceilings. 1/2 time employee being paid a living wage at your collective disposal. Events and fundraisers managed by Cobalt Connects throughout the year to decrease collective overhead. Members can be individual artists, small theatre companies, bands, etc. Collectives would be negotiated. Which fee model makes sense to you:
CoBALT Connects.
Do you think space travel should be privatized?
Exploring the infinite
As a Galaxy Explorer enthusiast, what is your favorite subject?
Federation of Galaxy Explorers
Could you spend a year in Space
Judy Lynn
We have been taking part in the national Rocket Seeds experiment. Which set of seeds do you think have been in space?
Holmewood House School
Which game would you like me to finish first??
Collin Marshall
What is Geoff's favorite meteorite?
Aerolite Meteorites
What game should I play next?
LeK's Play
We want to hear your feedback?
Outer Space Revealed
If you could drive your car straight up towards the sun, you would arrive in space in less than 2 hours. *Assuming that the planet is throughout uniform in density like a marble and there is no air resistance.
TeamIndus Moon Mission
A question divides us all, do you Internet or internet?
Garrett Lynch
Do you currently own a telescope or binoculars?
Clemson Area Amateur Astronomers
Tassa for Ecstacy ?
Vinesh Maharaj
Which room in your home needs the biggest upgrade?
Premier Home and Bath
I want to make a letsplay using Star Citizen, but I'm not sure of it should be based on a group of fighter ships or one, big ship?
Matthew Smith
Which is your favourite Space Agency?
Science and technology
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