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Who is the world's nicest person?
Melanie Celine Beaulieu
Is love a coincidence or a destiny?
Jaison Macklin Menezes
Xmas poll time. Who’s minces pies are best folks ?
Kavita Butler
Which of the following did you do the most damage to this holiday season?
Healthy is the New Black with Angela
Alumni Tahun Berapakah kamu,silahkan masuk untuk mengikuti polling.
Ikatan Alumni SMP Negeri 3 Medan
What is happiness ??
3amigos Entertainment
POLLING / Jajak Pendapat! Menurut anda, siapakah di antara ke-4 Pasangan calon Gubernur NTT di bawah ini, yang akan keluar sebagai Pemenang??
Tura Mahamu
One of our POLO PLAYA CLUB Page Members Asked us the following Question:- "What about if I own the classic can i join" So In the Spirit of Democracy we shall take this opportunity to setup a Voting poll for the group members to vote on this issue. #PLAY_ON_PLAYA Regards Management
What is your favourite social media platform to view nutritional information, recipes, and general posts?
Marisa Meleca
What would you like to see more of on this page?
Focus Care and Support
What should the noise level be while players are on the mat during major competitions?
Bowls International
Do you hate being polled while trying to look at new cat memes and Russian created US election propaganda. Not for a class, just being bombarded with garbage that will be actually believed by some.
Justin W Watson
is this a good poll
Zack Olson
Question 1 for the most used Polls
What items would you like to see more off in our page?
Taking a quick poll for spray tan business names for a project: please vote for your favorite.
Aubree Johns-Southern
Scenario for school project!
Victoria Pearson
Did I make this poll right?
Heaven Richey
This poll is to see which Makeup Products you typically buy regularly
Shalonda Battee
Read or watch SERVAMP?
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