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We are planning our client eduction events for the next quarter and we want to know what YOU want! Please vote in our poll to help us to help you. What client education topics would you like us to run?
Brindabella Equine Mobile Veterinary Services
What is YOUR prediction for this years highest grossing movie?
Geek-Off Magazine
Who is your favorite Spider-Man villain?
All Seasons Productions
What are you eating for Easter dinner?
Lincoln's Trading Post, LLC
What will you vote in the EU Referendum?
Lorna Van Baar
Did you like Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice?
Comedian San Thach
Ahead of the release of Andy Black's debut album, which of his new songs do you like the best?
Blue Banana
Are pit bulls good or bad?
Emily Bessette Fournier
Julia Haggarty is working on a new album. Which of the following summer activities is an actual song title being released on the album?
Julia Haggarty
How do you unwind after a long day at work?
TOP Health Information Accessed by you on internet?
Do you believe in soul mates?
La Quita Marshall
Thinking of having a Sunday movie marathon tomorrow but can't decide on the movie ...
Jody de Vos
What new Ballpark Food would you be willing to try?
The Sports Skillet Radio Show
What do you think is the most awkward part of a birthday?
Which social media platforms do you use most frequently? Choose all that apply.
I. e. Digital Design
What type of Aussie films do you want to see?
Running Panda
How long do you watch a video before you get bored?
RDC Creative Media
What do you want to see next, as part of the film's promo?
Name our Newsletter! Alright, we admit it, the word newsletter automatically makes us wanna snooze. And it just isn't our style. So YOU - our followers, subscribers, and Facebook fans - are going to choose a new name for our weekly email updates! Here are your choices, just click to cast your vote.
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