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Who would you like to see as the 2018 Nickel Days social headliner?
What genre of headliner would you like to see at Nickel Days 2019?
Who would you most like to see headline the 2019 Nickel Days concert / social?
Nickel Days
Dans le cadre de nos futurs concerts, quel genre de live souhaiteriez vous venir voir si nous l'organisions?
Nuts Music Association
If or when you go to watch live music, would you rather listen to:
We need some help guys! As we're trying to put together an entertainment schedule (mostly Live Music), we've been debating over what days we should have that available. There's no better way to find out then to ask you, our customer. What day of the week would Live Music bring the most value to You?
Moldova Restaurant Boston
How would you like to see my images presented, as full galleries or individual photo posts ?
Shot by Slaidins Photography
Which day are you more likely to come out and watch live music in Totnes?
The Black Bird Collective
"In Love" on Thursday Night for early bday celebrations?
Heidy Lozano
What's a better night for live music at Pig Trail?
Kyle Croft
Which region of the U.K. would you like to see ABBA AGAIN perform?
Wanna participate in the inaugural, INVITE-ONLY Beats & Bars event?
Rick Johnson
¿De que cantante o cantantes femeninas les gustaría que realizara un tributo?
¿De que cantante o cantantes les gustaría asistir a una presentación "tributo" realizada por mi?
Maribella Cantante
What event/entertainment would you like to see in Northern Michigan?
The Ellison Place
What song would like to hear JC play or learn?
The Red Petals
What time on Anzac Day, this Saturday afternoon/evening, would you prefer Venus2 to LiveStream Gig for you?
Bruce Black
Which song to perform LIVE for the Coast 2 Coast Competition on November 12, 2020?
MOS Music
Which of these possible show themes (music and otherwise) for my Twitch interest you?
Alice Anne Dro
Which Chameleon Productions artist would you like to see featured on the next Irwell Sessions video?
Chameleon Productions
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