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Should I do the 'Meet The Artist' thing?
What song would you like to see Caracalla cover next?
Did you know you can use your HSA and FSA (Health Savings Account) card to pay for your prescription glasses and contact lenses?
Art For Eyes Optical
Help Us Pick the Official TShirt for the 6th Annual Virginia Craft Brewers Fest! Which is Your Favorite?
Virginia Craft Brewers Fest
Would you buy a copy of Carpe D.I.E.M art as stickers/prints?
Carpe DIEM
Should they be available at the Edge Control 2017 event, what currently released books of mine would you be interested in purchasing?
John Polidora
As a reward for referring new clients, what would you prefer to receive?
What reward would you prefer for referring new nail clients?
What would you prefer as a referral reward?
The Scarlet Pampernail
What kind of art are you most likely to commission from me?
The Art of Marion Sipe
What animal should be drawn next?
Julio Campos Art Studio
Which cover do you want published for Chariot 3: Conception?
Roberto Albertini
Which part of a full face beat would you want to master?
Sadé Fantauzzi-Toney
If you were borrowing someone's cabin, would their photographs and art on the walls make you uncomfortable - like you were invading their personal space?
Angela Walker Wilson
Would anyone be interested in Stickers for my Etsy shop? They would all be my own designs.
Nichol Art Designs
Szavazzatok az első kép alá érkezett válaszokra amelyik több like-ot szerez azzal lesz a kép kiállítva október 18.-án Októberben. Please vote for the commented titles for my first artwork. The title get the most LIKEs will be one which I will use on my exhibition on 18th October
Lajos Várkonyi Artist
Are you aware of the brand of GELs your salon used on your nails?
Angelpro Nail
Which theme do you prefer for a Halloween Masquerade?
USAO Art Club
Would you drink beer/wine while making art & crafts?
How accessible do you deem theatre in the U.K. To be?
Amy Ratcliffe
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