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What is your Deepest Desire for 2016?
Jessica Hartley M.A.
Being an adult is HARD! :D Sometimes I wonder how in the world I will get everything done in one day. I know I am not the only one who feels overwhelmed at times. So my question is... If money was not an issue, what is one area in your life you would hire somone to help?
Kali Storhaug
split households*** Do you let your child/children spend time with the other parent on that parents birthday if it doesn’t fall on “Their day”?
Brian Day
What most interests you?
Silicon Sanctuary
We will be starting to offer workshops later this summer. What are the topics that interest you most?
Doula Collective of Chatham Kent
Do you ever or would you track or locate your teenage children with an app or their phone.
Guy Cesario
If you were going to buy a video advice package about a particular topic e.g. toilet training or toddler behaviour, which included downloadable resources. How much would you consider paying?
Little Learners
As a "Hip Hop Parent", do you allow your children to listen to the full, unedited version of popular songs?
Are you a tiger Mum or an attachment Mum?
London mums
Do you think that asking your 17 year old child to take the bus ( when you as a parent have no plans) is lazy?
Leslie Tomkins
MOMS/PARENTS: Who do you feel most judged by?
That's So Lo
What types of articles and posts would you like to see more of?
It's the Small Stuff
What is the one thing you fight for about in family court the most?
The British Columbia Fathers' Rights Movement
Vote on your favorite topics for our upcoming YouPick Series!
Wyandotte Family Church
We've hit our $3,000 original goal and we want to reward our backers if we can make it to $6,000. What bonuses do you think we should unlock if we hit our stretch goal?
What would be your ideal Mother's Day present?
Bedtime Sleeptime infant and child sleep consulting services
I read this New York Times article (http://nyti.ms/1QwiBNl) today, and it made me think about our daily stresses as parents. Is "stranger abduction" a worry that stresses you out as a parent?
Stress Free Parent
Gift bags at a child's birthday party?
Olex Carrigan
How important is a mobile or tablet friendly website?
PLEASE HELP CHRIS & I in Our New Venture: What Causes The MOST STRESS In Your Marriage?
Michelle Woolard Pippin
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