Parenting NI Digital Parenting Seminar. Dear Parent/Carer, Parents Council are considering inviting ParentingNI to school to run a seminar on "Digital Parenting". This seminar will be held on a weekday evening. It will explore children and young people’s use of technology. The session looks at the risks and dangers of the online world and encourages parents to have effective conversations around boundaries and keeping safe online. Whilst many other courses offer practical tips on how to set up filters etc and password protect your IT systems, this seminar deals more with how to talk to your children about the dangers of the Internet and ways of dealing with it. There will be no charge for parents/carers for the seminar as Parents Council will pay the fee of £250. Obviously we would like as many parents as possible to attend, but before we book it we would like to know if there is a need or interest . If you think you would be interested can you please vote below by Monday 19

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