5. I see first ___ when choosing church to attend. (Yang saya lihat pertama kali ketika memilih gereja adalah _____.)

5 votes
Place: location, transportation, building, etc. (Tempat: lokasi, transportasi, gedung, dll.)
0% / 0 votes
People: friendly, social/gender/age status, education, ethical, etc. (Orang: ramah, status social/usia/jenis kelamin, pendidikan, etika, dll.)
80% / 4 votes
Facilities: AC, projector, musical band, etc. (Fasilitas: AC, proyektor, band music, dll.)
0% / 0 votes
Music: quiet/cheerful songs, style, etc. (Musik: lagu-lagu yang tenang/ceria, gaya, dll.)
0% / 0 votes
Etc. : service time (Dan sebagainya: waktu ibadah)
20% / 1 vote

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