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Samuel Oh
Samuel Oh
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32. Somebody is spiritual means that s/he is ____. (Seorang yang rohani artinya dia ____.)
7 votes
33. Sharing the gospel is the job of preacher/evangelist, so I don’t have to trouble myself. (Berbagi Injil adalah pekerjaan pendeta/penginjil. Saya tidak perlu repot-repot.)
6 votes
31. Even though I do believe in God, I feel like smoking, drinking, loving popular/etc. music, or watching pornography. (Walaupun saya memang percaya kepada Allah, saya tetap suka merokok, minum minuman keras, music pop dsb, atau nonton pornografi.)
6 votes
30. I find it difficult to connect my faith with my real life. Maybe I think spiritual life is only restricted in church service and fellowship. (Ternyata sulit menghubungkan iman saya dengan kehidupan saya sehari-hari. Saya pikir mungkin kehidupan rohani
6 votes
29. Church must welcome anyone even homosexuals and lesbians if wanting to practice the love/acceptance of Christ. Because love can break down all the walls, can’t it? (Gereja harus membuka tangan lebar terhadap setiap orang walau homoseksual dan lesbia
6 votes
28. I think it is okay to have an unbelieving boy/girl-friend or even marry him/her if s/he is much better than believers in character, personality, and ability. (Saya pikir tidak apa-apa punya pacar orang yang tidak percaya atau bahkan menikah dengannya
6 votes
27. If I can’t be sure that my boy/girl-friend is my Mr./Mrs. Right, I think it might be a good idea to try cohabitation(living together before marriage) because I know some couples who had sex before marriage live well. I don’t see any problem with
5 votes
26. Only those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven. (Hanya orang yang percaya pada Yesus akan ke surga.)
5 votes
25. Guilt and shame helps me grow in God. (Rasa bersalah dan malu membantu saya untuk bertumbuh di dalam Allah.)
5 votes
24. I think that people can have different standards of serving/worshiping God according to their cultures, education levels, and so on. (Saya pikir orang dapat memiliki standar yang berbeda untuk melayani/menyembah Allah menurut budaya,tingkat pendidikan
5 votes
23. Christians can take any job which is available. (Orang Kristen dapat menerima apa pun pekerjaan yang ada.)
5 votes
22. By getting high marks from school I can show people that I am a good Christian. (Dengan mendapatkan nilai yang bagus di sekolah/kuliah saya dapat menunjukkan kepada orang bahwa saya adalah seorang Kristen yang baik.)
5 votes
21. People who don’t make money like students don’t have to give tithes and special offerings such as baptism, thanksgiving, Easter, etc. to God. (Orang yang belum berpenghasilan seperti mahasiswa tidak perlu memberikan perpuluhan dan persembahan khus
5 votes
20. I need God alone. I don’t need people disturbing or getting-on-my-nerves in church. (Saya cuma perlu Allah. Saya tidak butuh orang-orang yang akan mengganggu saya di gereja.)
5 votes
19. I think the Bible is no different from other books containing myths about creation, Flood, and other stories that make people afraid of Him and that fake things to control people. (Saya pikir Alkitab tidak berbeda dengan buku-buku lain yang berisi mit
5 votes
18. It is okay to divorce my wife/husband if s/he doesn’t love me any more and marry a wo/man with whom I recently fall in love. (Tidak masalah bercerai dengan istri/suami saya jika ia tidak mencintai saya lagi dan saya akan menikah lagi dengan orang ya
5 votes
17. I think it is a warning to awaken people from their sin not a reality that will come true.(Saya pikir itu adalah peringatan untuk menyadarkan orang dari dosa mereka bukan sesuatu yang betul-betul akan terjadi)
5 votes
16. I don’t think people will be punished for eternity. Maybe God will forgive them some time later when they finally realized what they had done. (Saya pikir orang-orang tidak akan dihukum selama-lamanya. Mungkin Allah akan mengampuni mereka beberapa w
5 votes
15. I sure believe in resurrection of the dead. Believers will be resurrected to inherit the blessings of God and unbelievers to face the judgment of God. (Saya yakin percaya dalam kebangkitan orang mati. Orang percaya akan dibangkitkan untuk mewarisi ber
5 votes
14. What faith pleases God? (Iman apa yang menyhenangkan Allah?)
5 votes
13. What is repentance? (Apa itu pertobatan?)
5 votes
12. What sins of us did Jesus die for? (Yesus telah mati bagi dosa-dosa kita yang mana?)
5 votes
11. (Multiple 2 answers) What do you think of baptism? (Apa pendapatmu tentang baptis?
5 votes
10. (Multiple 2 answers) I like Sunday messages that are _____. (Saya suka khotbah hari Minggu yang _____.
5 votes
9. Church asks people to bring various kinds of offerings because _____. (Gereja meminta orang membawa berbagai macam persembahan karena _____.)
5 votes
8. (Multiple 2 answers) I do expect church to _____. (Saya memang mengharapkan gereja akan _____.
5 votes
7. (Multiple 2 answers) I think sometimes I don’t have to come to church such as the time when I (am) ____. (Saya pikir kadang saya tidak usah ke gereja pada situasi ketika saya ____.) (Multi answers)
5 votes
6. I believe that there must be a perfect church to meet my needs. (Saya percaya ada suatu gereja sempurna yang akan memenuhi kebutuhan saya. )
5 votes
5. I see first ___ when choosing church to attend. (Yang saya lihat pertama kali ketika memilih gereja adalah _____.)
5 votes
4. I think church means _____. (Saya pikir gereja artinya _____.)
4 votes
3. I'd like to go to _________. (Saya lebih suka ke _________.)
5 votes
2. How many churches do you think a Christian should attend? (Menurut kamu, orang Kristen dapat menghadiri berapa gereja?)
5 votes
1. What is your gender?
5 votes
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