11. (Multiple 2 answers) What do you think of baptism? (Apa pendapatmu tentang baptis?

5 votes
Baptism is a must for forgiveness(Orang harus dibaptis untuk pengampunan dosa)
0% / 0 votes
Baptism is not a necessity to be saved but a mark of believers(Baptis tidak diperlukan untuk keselamatan tapi merupakan suatu tanda orang percaya)
60% / 3 votes
Infant baptism is necessary(Baptis bayi itu diperlukan)
0% / 0 votes
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is more important than the baptism of water(Baptis Roh Kudus lebih penting daripada baptis air)
40% / 2 votes
Baptism of Immersion(totally submerging into the water) is a true one(Baptis selam adalah baptis yang benar/sejati)
0% / 0 votes

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