Tell Anne what historical Halloween costume to make this year! The results of this poll will be adjusted according to difficulty of making each costume. In the case of an unclear result, a costume will be picked according to what I feel like making.

2 votes
A 1780s dress of cotton print, similar to the ones in the movies "The Dutchess" and "Marie Antoinette," with big hair and an even bigger mobcap- a mobcap like a giant muffin!
50% / 1 vote
A modest dress and bonnet of Jane Austen's time. Like my 2006 costume, but better now that I know what I'm doing.
0% / 0 votes
A sprightly romantic gown of the 1820s, with a killer bonnet!
0% / 0 votes
A flannel housedress of the 1890s, printed with awesome exotic purple feathery things- very Gibson Girl.
50% / 1 vote
Rosie the Riveter! Assuming I can stand with my arm flexed in front of a yellow wall all night.
0% / 0 votes

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