Checkin' out the 'poll' app... How many times do you visit Cuppa Yo each month? (CLICK LINK TO VOTE!)

22 votes
Pfffttt... monthly? I'm a daily Cuppa Yomie!
23% / 5 votes
Several times per month, yo!
32% / 7 votes
Once a week on average, that is, approximately 4 times per month.
14% / 3 votes
Once or twice a month.
9% / 2 votes
Rarely, but I love me some Cuppa!
18% / 4 votes
I would come in mucho, but I'm a college student out of the area.
0% / 0 votes
Never... but I'm a fan of your Cuppa Yo FB page (thanks!)
0% / 0 votes
I CAN'T! I don't live near Central Oregon (we love you fans too!)
5% / 1 vote

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