So it seems there has been a heated debate brewing in the hallways and kitchens over where the best burger in Sydney lies. Beef or chicken? Beetroot or pineapple? Whatever tickles your tastebuds, let's hit the polls to kill this quarrel once and for all.

9 votes
Rockpool Bar and Grill - home of the renown Full Blood Wagyu Hamburger... Bacon, Gruyere Cheese and don't forget that Zuni Pickle. Oh yeah!
67% / 6 votes
Charlie & Co. Burgers - Wagyu, Bacon & Cheese, South American or Classic Fried. Choices, choices!
11% / 1 vote
Hurricane's Grill - can we go past the juicy Hurricane's Beef Burger? Perhaps you are more captivated by their Pepper, or Mushroom, or Garlic Burgers? Salivating yet?
0% / 0 votes
Grill'd - yes that oxymoron of the 'healthy burger' that strips a bit of the guilt away. Chicken, steak, lamb, veggie... their relish and herb mayo may just tip their burgers into first place.
22% / 2 votes

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