How do you treat your students? “I treat my students MAINLY as…” (please select one and explain below, please):

4 votes
1) Professionals, who are involved in professional discourse about their own ongoing practice, who seek help from and provide help to each other — never-ending education enriching and supplementing their professional practice;
0% / 0 votes
2) Hobbyists, who enjoy the targeted practice as a part of their non-professional life; life-long learners; learning as a way of life; there is no expectation of arriving at the end of their education — never-ending education enriching and supplementing their life;
25% / 1 vote
3) Critical learners, who want to evaluate critically the practice; to test ideas, values, and truths against as many alternative ideas, values and truths as possible; to engage in critical dialogue and self-growth; to play with ideas; to jailbreak the existing practices. Education is viewed by them as the achievable goal in itself (rather than a professional aspect) with a potential exit point;
75% / 3 votes
4) Novice practitioners, who want to socialize into the targeted practice in order to be recognized by the relevant practitioners (and relevant others) as capable; to join a community of practice; to apprentice into the practice; to get a job involving the targeted practice; to become skillful and knowledgeable practitioners; to join a professional discourse, worldviews, attitudes, orientations, networks, and knowledge; to get involved into a legitimate peripheral participation; to observe and lurk on the professional forums; to play with ideas; to jailbreak the existing practices. Education is viewed by novice practitioners as socialization into the existing practice;
0% / 0 votes
5) Credential students, who want to get credentials established and recognized by the society, to prepare and pass exams, tests, and other summative assessments aiming at credentials, to follow the roadmap of assignments that will help to pass the credential summative assessments, to cooperate with the teacher who is helping in getting the desired credentials, to ask the teacher and all other participants for help. Education is equated with getting credentials (e.g., diploma, degrees, class credits, certificates, mark grades), predefined by the society through curricular endpoints, tests, and exams. Education is viewed as space- and time- bounded (e.g., during a lesson online), having a clear end (e.g., course term, semester, degree term). Credentials are viewed as gateway to a desired profession and economically good life;
0% / 0 votes
6) Uncommitted visitors and lurkers, who want to observe the online practice and what other participants do there, to see if one can enjoy the practice and learning, to test one’s own commitment to the practice and learning, to find and meet interesting people, to enjoy time spent online. Education is viewed as exposure to something new and potentially interesting and as window-shopping;
0% / 0 votes
7) Survivors, who want to survive (i.e., institutionally pass) the unnecessary class imposed on them with minimum efforts and expenses;
0% / 0 votes
8) Combinations of several of above (and extra) (please describe below);
0% / 0 votes
9) Other (please describe below).
0% / 0 votes

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