Yes, Medicare and all offered healthcare should be subsidized by Federal Govt with no caps (ie. 50% of tax paying Americans will carry the burden for everyone)
Yes, but perhaps only Medicare and "catastrophic" care (ie. terminal diseases and super costly procedures)
No, keep Medicare but let the States run all healthcare from their level "unlimited healthcare"
No, dismantle Medicare, return all monies and subsidies to the States which can run their own programs but with $ limits for people (ie. age based limits?)
No, dismantle Medicare, stop collecting any healthcare related taxes and have Hospitals/Doctors contract their own direct programs (cut out insurance companies) w/$ limits, Charities and local govts pick up the truly poor.
No, everyone keeps their own money and is responsible for their own health costs. Charities and local governments pick up the rest left behind. Limits to what you can pay for.