We need your help! What do you think of the following stats? During the morning commute (7am - 10am), the average delay per person, per mile, was almost 1 minute on local A roads. Walking or cycling, instead of using motorised transport, can help reduce the associated costs of poor air quality, congestion and collision in urban areas of UK costing society around £10 billion a year. Nearly 14 million adults (27%) have coached a sport or physical activity at some point in their lifetime. We learn behaviour from our social networks. Individuals often measure their own health by comparing themselves to others in their social networks.

0 votes
Powerful - how can I help
0% / 0 votes
Strong - would get me thinking
0% / 0 votes
Ok - worth a read
0% / 0 votes
Weak - worth a read but I'll stick to my ways
0% / 0 votes
Very weak - why did I just read that
0% / 0 votes

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