What classes would you like Belladonna Laveau and Dusty Dionne to teach when they visit Houston in the Spring?

21 votes
Accelerated Wicca by Belladonna Laveau, HPs
14% / 3 votes
Tarot-The Sacred Text of Wicca - Belladonna Laveau
10% / 2 votes
Ritual Construction: Invocation as a Form of Worship
14% / 3 votes
How to Use Ritual Tools - Bella & Dusty
5% / 1 vote
How Witches Heal - Bella & Dusty
14% / 3 votes
Flying - Belladonna Laveau
5% / 1 vote
The Art of Mediumship - Belladonna Laveau
10% / 2 votes
Past Life Regression - Belladonna Laveau
5% / 1 vote
Life is like a Video Game - Dusty Dionne
5% / 1 vote
Practical Shape-shifting - Dusty Dionne
10% / 2 votes
WiccanSeminary.EDU - Your Magic, Your School! - Bella & Dusty
10% / 2 votes

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