e) at a point of "viability" of the fetus (some time in second trimester);
d) at the initial development of the fetus (non-viable; ~ 8 weeks after fertilization; heartbeat often detectable);
a) at the formation of a zygote (sperm fertilizes egg);
b) at the initial development of the blastocyst (~ 5-8 days after fertilization);
c) at the initial development of the embryo (~ 10-12 days after fertilization);
f) at the beginning of the third trimester:
g) at birth. Related question, do you believe it is morally ok to terminate a pregnancy after the point you believe human life begins? Note: In some jurisdictions, "Pregnancy" officially begins at the end of a woman's last menstrual cycle, thus the zygote formation may occur 2 weeks into what they considered a pregnancy.