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Oratory of St. Bede the Venerable
Oratory of St. Bede the Venerable
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When would you be most likely to attend services at St. Bede's?
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When would you be more likely to attend services at St. Bede's?
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Okay, so I've been wondering if one of the reasons for the low turn-out for services at St. Bede's is because of the service time. I know 1:30 on a Sunday afternoon really breaks up the day, and a lot of folks have other plans, with family or otherwise, for a Sunday! Unfortunately, we can't hold it earlier, because the Chapel door is also the handicapped entrance for Westminster UMC. So, I wonder if it would help to have it at another time, or even a different day? What do you think, folks? Would you be more likely to attend services if we held them at:
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I am wondering if one of the reasons for the low turn-out to services with St. Bede's is the service time. 1:30 on a Sunday afternoon is right in the middle of the day, and many people have things planned, with family or otherwise. Unfortunately, earlier is not an option, because the Chapel entrance is also the handicapped entrance to Westminster UMC. So, I am wondering if a later time, or possibly a different day, would make it easier for people. So: would you be more likely to attend a service at St. Bede's if we held it:
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