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Birds raised 4 meat are "free range" if producers claim they have continuous free access to the outdoors 4 more than what % of their lives?
9 votes
How many protected areas( parks, wildlife refuges and other reserves) are in the world?
6 votes
World military expenditure in 2006 is estimated to have reached $____billion in current dollars.
6 votes
How many years did Nelson Mandela serve as a political prisoner?
5 votes
How much of the earth's land surface is affected by desertification?
7 votes
The World Health Organization estimates that every $1 invested in improved water supply and sanitation yields gains of how much?
13 votes
About what fraction of Africa's population continues to face chronic hunger today?
8 votes
How many pieces of paper does the average household throw away every year in the United States?
5 votes
A short, four-mile round trip by bicycle keeps how many pounds of pollutants out of the air we breathe?
12 votes
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