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VivaNext is looking at the future, so we want to know: Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
6 votes
Where do you commute?
9 votes
What part of the vivaNext plans are you anticipating most?
6 votes
Has the duration of your commute changed in the last 12 months?
2 votes
What do you like best about living in York Region?
2 votes
Which destination do you most frequently use public transit to get to?
3 votes
What’s your favourite Viva feature?
6 votes
The Harmonized Sales Tax has increased the price of gas. Have you increased your use of public transit as a result?
3 votes
How do you usually spend your travelling time on public transit?
3 votes
If you've visited the vivaNext blog, how did you find it?
1 vote
From York Region, how do you get to the subway station closest to you?
8 votes
Do you plan on taking public transit to get to and from your summertime activities?
4 votes
Would you use public transit in York Region if it were faster and more convenient?
4 votes
Will the vivaNext plan make it more appealing to ride transit more often?
4 votes
Would you like to shorten your commute?
9 votes
How long is your commute to work?
5 votes
How would you rate traffic in York Region?
6 votes
What is the toughest part about driving in snow?
9 votes
What is your preferred method of getting around when the forecast calls for a snow storm?
8 votes
What is your favourite thing to do during the holiday season?
5 votes
Are you looking forward to Viva travelling in its own lanes?
4 votes
Which urban growth centre do you live closest to?
10 votes
What corridor do you travel the most?
12 votes
Now that the school year has begun, how are you/your kids getting to class?
7 votes
What is your favourite summertime activity in York Region?
2 votes
Do you support the Yonge subway extension from Finch to Langstaff / Richmond Hill Centre?
6 votes
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