Abora Recordings
Abora Recordings
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Vote for Your Uplifting Tune of the Year! Vote for as many tunes as you like, but at least 3 distinct tunes or your vote will be disqualified. Use your browser search to search. (Only tracks that finished in the top 3 in the weekly vote are eligible & included.) All episode tracklists & listening links at http://www.uponly.net/episodes. After you vote, if you change your mind, you can change your vote simply by revoting.
136 votes
Vote for Your Uplifting Tune of the Year! Vote for as many tunes as you like, but at least 3 distinct tunes or your vote will be disqualified. Use your browser search to search. (Only tracks that finished in the top 3 in the weekly vote are eligible & included.) All episode tracklists & listening links at http://www.uponly.net/episodes. After you vote, if you change your mind, you can change your vote simply by revoting.
166 votes
Vote for Your Uplifting Tune of the Year! Vote for as many tunes as you like, but at least 3 distinct tunes or your vote will be disqualified. Use your browser search to search. (Only tracks that finished in the top 3 (or 5 for vocal tracks) in the weekly vote are eligible & included.) All episode tracklists & listening links at http://www.uponly.net/episodes. After you vote, if you change your mind, you can change your vote simply by revoting.
355 votes
Vote for Your UpOnly Tune of the Year! Vote for as many tunes as you like, but at least 3 distinct tunes or your vote will be disqualified. Use your browser search to search. (Only tracks that finished in the top 3 (or 4 for vocal tracks) in the weekly vote are eligible & included.) All episode tracklists & listening links at http://www.uponly.net/episodes. After you vote, if you change your mind, you can change your vote simply by revoting.
329 votes
Vote for Your UpOnly Tune of the Year! Vote for as many as you like, but at least 3 or your vote will be disqualified. Use your browser search to search. All episode tracklists & listening links at http://tracklists.upliftingonly.com.
451 votes
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