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What is your favorite store in your area to buy yarn (physical store, not online)?
64 votes
QUESTION: If you buy crochet magazines, how do you prefer to purchase them?
36 votes
If you crochet adult-sized garments (sweater, top, dress, skirt, etc.), approximately what % of your garments use local yarn store (LYS) yarn vs. craft store yarn (Red Heart, Lion Brand, Patons, Bernat, Caron, store brands)?
12 votes
How often do you make an adult-size garment such as a sweater, top, skirt, or dress (not an accessory such as a shawl or cowl), whether for yourself or another person?
59 votes
How often do you visit your LYS (local yarn store)? You can include any LYS you may visit when traveling, not just an LYS in your own town. An LYS is an independently-owned YARN store, NOT a craft store such as Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Joann, etc.
17 votes
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