IUSB Preface
IUSB Preface
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Which not-at-all-Christmas-y movie with a Christmas setting should Jordan watch?
10 votes
Which variation of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" should Jordan watch?
9 votes
Which classic Christmas movie should Jordan review?
14 votes
Cast your vote for a family friendly Halloween movie!
20 votes
Which modern horror film should Jordan review?
13 votes
Which REMAKE of a classic horror film should Jordan watch?
16 votes
Which classic horror film should Jordan review?
21 votes
How do you get your campus news?
8 votes
Columnist Jordan Rae Lucas has saved the best for last and will be squaring off against the crazy horror villain of your choice.
13 votes
Help Jordan Rae Lucas decide which zombie movie she should watch in week 4!
19 votes
Help Jordan Rae Lucas decide which zombie movie she should watch in week 4!
0 votes
Columnist Jordan Rae Lucas will be slaying Vampires in her third week of horror movie reviews. Choose which movie you'd like her to see:
21 votes
In week two of her horror movie review series, Jordan Rae Lucas tackles Creature Features. Vote for which movie you'd like Jordan to watch and look for her column next week for the review!
22 votes
Columnist and scaredy-cat Jordan Rae Lucas wants YOU to decide which horror movies she'll review in the month of October. The theme for the first week is "Ghost Stories."
18 votes
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