KampungboyCitygal - 乡下男孩城市女孩
KampungboyCitygal - 乡下男孩城市女孩
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歡迎來到鄉下男孩城市城市女孩的臉書專頁。我們在這裡「只」PO「親自體驗」和「值得分享」的美食和旅遊資訊喔!你們比較想看哪一方面的資訊呢?請勾一勾,讓我們知道好嗎? Welcome to KampungboyCitygal's FB page. Here, we will only share our personal experiences on good food or travel related information. What are some of the contents that you would like to read? Please vote and let us know.
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Our South Korea travel stories are coming to an end. What are some blog post topics that you would like us to cover from now on?
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