Global HR Forum (글로벌인재포럼)
Global HR Forum (글로벌인재포럼)
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What do you think is the most controversial issues in governmental fields?
2 votes
What do you think is the most important issues in business fields?
4 votes
What do you think is the most important academic issues regarding HRD ?
4 votes
What are the most important factors for employee relocations to another country?
3 votes
Do you have any specific talent retention programs?
1 vote
Do you face any talent retention issues as a multi-national firm?
1 vote
As a multi-national firm, what issues do you encounter in attracting and employing local talent?
1 vote
What issues do you encounter in doing business in other Asian countries?
1 vote
How do these regulations/policies affect your human resource management?
0 votes
What regulatory/legal difficulties do you experience in doing business as a multi-national company?
1 vote
What are the cultural barriers/issues that impact your business most?
1 vote
What are the human resource/capital issues that most impact your business?
1 vote
As a multi-national company, what are the main issues for conducting business in your country of operation today?
1 vote
Please indicate how important the followings are as global leader's ability and capability?
1 vote
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