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Shout for coffee and fresh sandwiches here! See: http://library.leiden.edu/news/shoutforcoffee.html
63 votes
Following complaints about the acoustics in the canteen of the University Library, we have panes installed today as a test to see if this reduces the echo in the room. Let us know if you think this is an improvement or not?
1 vote
This summer you can find me...
3 votes
Leiden University's Facility Management is replacing the coffeemachines in the University buildings. You can already find the new machines in the University Library. What do you think of the new coffee?
18 votes
The posts on UB Leiden Facebook Fan Page that I like most are about:
8 votes
My favourite spot in the University Library is...
15 votes
I visit the library to...
15 votes
How would you prefer to read your book?
34 votes
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