Ocala Style Magazine
Ocala Style Magazine
Create Poll
Ladies & Gentlemen: Do you prefer your partner's income to be:
8 votes
Women: Do you go for guys with:
9 votes
Men: What is your favorite hair color?
3 votes
Ladies and Gentlemen: Which characteristic is most important to you?
9 votes
Women: Would you rather your guy surprise you with:
17 votes
Ladies & Gentlemen: Describe your ideal date night
11 votes
Women: Do you prefer men who are:
13 votes
Men: Do you prefer women who are:
0 votes
Ladies: Do you prefer a man's voice to be:
7 votes
Guys: Do you prefer a woman's voice to be:
3 votes
Women: Do you prefer men who are:
25 votes
Gentlemen: Which body type are you most attracted to?
3 votes
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