CBC Manitoba
CBC Manitoba
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Now that Manitoba's bring-your-own-wine legislation is in effect, will you start bringing your own bottle to restaurants?
10 votes
Do you like the new Winnipeg Jets jerseys?
3 votes
Do you like the new Winnipeg Jets logo? http://bit.ly/pkzrnq
0 votes
We want to post the stories you want to hear! What kind of news would you prefer to see on our Facebook Page?
0 votes
Do you like the new Winnipeg Jets logo?
11 votes
They're taking your tax money and spending it elsewhere. Travel Manitoba’s new ad agency isn’t from here. Should crown corporations be forced to buy local?
9 votes
Should all cyclists in Manitoba be forced to wear helmets?
12 votes
Do you think giant roadside attractions, like Melita’s soon to be revealed nine-metre-tall banana, increase tourism? http://www.cbc.ca/canada/manitoba/story/2010/08/03/mb-big-banana-melita-manitoba.html
8 votes
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