Amr Diab
Amr Diab
Create Poll
26 votes
Pick Up Your Favorite Dance Music Video
4,797 votes
What do you think about Ba'dem Alby Music Video ?
3,665 votes
What is your favorite romantic song ?
4,113 votes
After the diversion of the album, is that going to affect the number of the original sold copies or do the Diabians have another opinion ? - بعد تسريب الالبوم هل سيؤثر ذلك على المبيعات ام ان هناك رأي اخر
841 votes
what kind of songs would u prefer 2 be included in the king's upcoming album??
942 votes
Do you prefer the next album of the KING to be released on
897 votes
What is the most favourable song among the 4 leaked songs to you ?
1,044 votes
Do you want the 4 Leaked Songs in the KING's comming album ?
870 votes
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