I Love Rock n' Roll. <3
I Love Rock n' Roll. <3
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La migliore Band del momento
28 votes
Chinese Democracy, cosa ne pensate?
26 votes
Chi preferite? Ahahahahhahahahahahaha
17 votes
A quale di questi concerti avreste voluto partecipare?
40 votes
Quale canzone preferite? Made in Muse
40 votes
Rock o Metal?
65 votes
Liam o Noel Gallagher?
26 votes
solo una coincidenza che Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison e Joplin -tutti e tre con la J- siano morti a 27 anni?
40 votes
Paul McCartney..
49 votes
Smashing Pumpkins o Pearl Jam?
50 votes
Quale di questi album dei Led preferite?
46 votes
Credete che Stairway to Heaven abbia contenuti satanici?
72 votes
Nevermind o From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah?
44 votes
Beatles o Rolling Stones?
58 votes
John Frusciante, Dave Navarro o Hillel Slovak?
43 votes
The Clash, Ramones o Sex Pistols?
70 votes
Stratocaster o Telecaster?
71 votes
Led Zeppelin o Pink Floyd?
90 votes
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