Candy's Place
Candy's Place
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Candy's Place is considering creating an obstacle course/fun run for late summer/early fall, much like the Dirty Girl. Would you participate and/or create a team for this event if it was offered?
15 votes
Candy's Place is considering adding new services. Please vote on the services you are most interested in attending.
0 votes
Candy's Place is considering adding new services. Please vote on the services you are most interested in attending.
8 votes
The answer to last week's poll question is, most cases of breast cancer occur in women over age 60. Thanks for checking in, and testing your knowledge during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
0 votes
The chance of getting breast cancer increases as a woman gets older. Most cases of breast cancer occur in women over what age?
0 votes
The answer to last week's poll question is, second Mondays.
0 votes
The answer to last week's question is Stage I. New question: Candy's Place provides Peer to Peer Group meetings for patients, caregivers and loved ones. Which Monday each month is dedicated to newly diagnosed patients (6 months or less)?
1 vote
The answer to last week's poll is 264. This week's question: Which stage of breast cancer does this describe: Cancer cells have invaded breast tissue beyond where the cacer started, but the cells have not spread beyond the breast. The tumor is no more tha
1 vote
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Test your knowledge: In Luzerne County, how many cases of female breast cancer are diagnosed each year? The answer, and a new question, will be posted next Monday.
2 votes
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