Institute of Advanced Motorists, IAM
Institute of Advanced Motorists, IAM
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Would naming and shaming of disqualified drivers act as a deterrent to other ​would-be ​offenders?
21 votes
Should GPs disclose to the DVLA if a patient should not be driving?
15 votes
Will the new fuel price check signs enable motorists to have greater control over their journeys?
13 votes
Should the government introduce Graduated Driver Licensing?
33 votes
Will the proposed traffic signs changes make your journeys easier and safer?
16 votes
Do you feel LESS SAFE when driving/riding on streets that are unlit or partially lit?
9 votes
Will the new road signs on M1 make driving through motorway road works safer and more enjoyable
24 votes
The chancellor believes the Vehicle Excise Duty reform will be "more secure" and fairer. Do you agree?
28 votes
Should the speed limit on Britain's motorways be increased to 80mph?
136 votes
Should PCN for letting an emergency vehicle past be scrapped?
118 votes
Would extra parking charges encourage diesel drivers to switch to 'greener' petrol engines?
44 votes
Of the three, which deterrent to mobile phone use behind the wheel is most effective?
154 votes
Should autonomous emergency braking (AEB) be included as standard on all new cars?
15 votes
Would the AAA website be useful for mature drivers in the UK?
1 vote
Should motorways be included in the driving test?
81 votes
Do dashcams prompt the drivers using them to improve their behaviour?
90 votes
Shall the thinking and braking distances from the Highway Code be revised?
51 votes
Have smart motorways improved your motorway journeys?
50 votes
Which ad is more likely to change behaviour? (sorry, the links are not clickable here)
7 votes
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