National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
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Will you cast your vote in 2012 based on Candidate's Positions on Social Security and Medicare?
100 votes
Did You Call Your Member of Congress Asking Him or Her to Protect Social Security & Medicare and to Pass the Debt Ceiling?
39 votes
Do you think Social Security and Medicare should be cut to reduce the deficit?
102 votes
Even thought majority of American oppose Medicare privatization, Rep. Paul Ryan and many GOP legislators won't back down. Do you think they will closer to the election?
15 votes
Will candidates' positions on Social Security be taken into consideration when you vote this November?
20 votes
Should Policy Makers Significantly Change Social Security to Reduce the National Deficit?
67 votes
Should the President's Fiscal Commission target Social Security for cuts?
80 votes
Healthcare reform should include closing the Part D doughnut hole and eliminating wasteful subsidies to private Medicare Advantage insurers.
68 votes
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