5th LD Democrats
5th LD Democrats
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Is it time for John Boehner to find another job? Should the GOP find a leader who can listen to its majority, not its vocal minority?
2 votes
Should Seattle police be given more power to control violence?
2 votes
Since Dennis Kucinich is already asking, we thought we'd confirm his results: Would you support Kucinich if he ran for Congress in Washington state?
5 votes
Who will win the Republican presidential straw poll on Saturday?
1 vote
The national polls have turned against Mitt Romney again. Is this Romney's last hurrah? Is it all downhill for him, now?
2 votes
Do you agree with President Obama that cuts in entitlements, including Social Security and Medicare, should be part of the debt ceiling deal with Republicans?
8 votes
Will you sign the initiative petitions launched by Costco/Washington Restaurant Assn to privatize the distribution and sale of liquor in this state? http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/politicsnorthwest/2015113489_retailers_restaurants_file_ini.html
0 votes
Should the Federal Elections Commission approve Facebook's bid to run political ads without disclosing who paid for them?
11 votes
Will you sign the initiative petitions launched by Costco/Washington Restaurant Assn. to privatize the distribution and sale of liquor in this state? http://www.wrahome.com/news/wra-part-of-new-liquor-privatization-initiative/
0 votes
Do you support the 1.9 percent pay cut for teachers in Olympia's last-minute budget deal? http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2015134533_budget25m.html
5 votes
What do you honestly think our odds are to win over McKenna in the governor's race?
3 votes
How do you like the idea of Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich running for Congress from Washington in a new 10th District or in Jay Inslee's 1st District?
8 votes
Will you sign the new initiative petitions sponsored by Costco/Washington Restaurant Assn. to privatize the distribution and sale of liquor in this state? http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/politicsnorthwest/2015113489_retailers_restaurants_file_ini.ht
5 votes
The Obama administration is debating whether to show the world a graphic picture of Bin Laden's dead body to prove that he is dead. Should they release that picture?
12 votes
If Christine Gregoire decides NOT to run again for governor, which candidate would you support?
7 votes
Will President Obama's Democratic counter-proposal to cut $4 trillion from the federal debt be effective in stopping Republicans from devastating basic social services provided by the government?
7 votes
Do you like Rep. Jim McDermott's proposal to require the IRS to give every taxpayer an itemized receipt detailing how federal taxes are spent?
6 votes
Do you support legalizing marijuana in Washington state?
9 votes
Some Democrats in Olympia are pushing for privatization of the state liquor industry. Do you agree? Should liquor sales in this state be privatized?or industry in Washington state be privatized?
3 votes
Did the King Conservation District first-of-its-kind online voting system work?
5 votes
Has the nuclear plant crisis in Japan changed your mind about the future of nuclear power in the U.S.?
8 votes
Wisconsin Republicans have passed the bill killing workers' bargaining rights. What should happen next?
11 votes
Have Sarah Palin's political fortunes faded so badly that she has lost her chance to run for President?
7 votes
Do you support U.S. involvement in a no-fly zone over Libya?
10 votes
Is Obama giving away too much to Republicans?
9 votes
How will the revolution in Libya end?
10 votes
Gov. Gregoire has proposed suspending the 2012 presidential primary, opting instead for caucuses, to save $10 million. Which system do you prefer - caucus or primary?
12 votes
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