Empire Today
Empire Today
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Your feedback is needed! We’ve recently updated our “About” tab to include more features for you! We like all of them, but what’s your favorite?
3 votes
Redoing your family room – which Carpet would you choose?
4 votes
If you had to choose the perfect flooring for your bedroom, what would it be?
6 votes
What is your favorite thing about the Empire brand?
3 votes
What is your favorite thing about the Empire brand?
1 vote
What is you favorite Classic Empire Carpet Commercial? Visit empirecarpet.tv and then vote here!
6 votes
Which room in your home needs an Empire Today makeover the most?
9 votes
What is most important when selecting Flooring for your home?
7 votes
Which name-brand of Carpet do you prefer the most for your home (Empire Today has them all)?
2 votes
Which name-brand of Carpet do you prefer the most for your home (Empire Today has them all)?
1 vote
What is the most important thing you look for when buying carpet?
2 votes
Which of these rooms is next on your home improvement list to update?
13 votes
Where do you get ideas/inspiration for home improvement?
36 votes
Where do you get ideas/inspiration for home improvement?
14 votes
When choosing Window Treatments, what is the most important factor (aside from price) ?
4 votes
Aside from price, what is the most important factor when choosing Flooring?
8 votes
Which home improvement project is next on your list?
16 votes
Aside from price, what is the most important factor when choosing Flooring?
30 votes
Aside from price, what is the most important factor when choosing Carpet?
274 votes
What do you like best about Empire Today?
8 votes
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