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Je, ni nini huchangia kwa kijana kuwacha hali nzuri ya maisha nyumbani na kujiunga na kundi haramu? #VijanaHatarini #KTNLeoWikendi
KTN Leo Kenya
Hello Generation of Cosplayers! We are nearing 1,000 Likes are we are absolutely floored! Thank you all so much for your support <3 We really appreciate it! We have had a lot of fun cosplaying together and managing this page and we look forward to the future of Generation of Cosplay! To show our appreciation, we would love to give back to all of you. Once we reach 1,000 Likes, we will be hosting a giveaway! Now we need all your help on deciding what we should give away~ Thank you for taking the time to vote ^_^
Generation of Cosplay
Best lookiong 2017 ranking? vote....
Girls Generations - SNSD
Micro-generation of energy (solar panels, small-scale hydro, wind, geothermal, etc) could have a huge impact on our energy needs in the future.
Micro-generation of energy (solar panels, small-scale hydro, wind, geothermal, etc) could have a huge impact on our energy needs in the future.
Environmental Strategies for Canada
How will you rate light situation in your location?
Your Info Buddie
Choose your favorite movie from the Silent Generation:
Connecticut Historical Society Museum and Library
How many G1 fans want a live action series but goes with a retro G1 feel to it?
Transformers: NTW, Prime, and Robots in Disguise
What was the best Star Trek series
Pat Gallagher
Is cooking a dying skill set? Lets find out - Share this Poll. I am a:
Joseph Pekelsky
The economic woes in Zimbabwe, motivated a lot of the entrepreneurial activities (creation of business or other income generating projects)
Chishuvo Chivasa
I'm giving a keynote talk on the future of nuclear energy at the Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference in October. I have my own opinions, but I'm curious what you and others think are the biggest obstacles nuclear faces today. What would you say is the single biggest concern you personally have about building more nuclear reactors around the world to meet the fast-growing demand for carbon-free electricity as previously poor countries develop?
I'm giving a keynote talk on the future of nuclear energy at the Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference in Oct. There is a strong rational case for nuclear, but it's faced a lot of opposition since the 1980s. I'm curious: what is the single biggest concern you personally have about building more nuclear reactors around the world to meet the fast-growing demand for carbon-free energy as poor nations develop?
Nathan Myhrvold
What's the best Gen 2 starter?
Dylan Wormuth
When in need of help from a service provider or expert, I usually....
Jane Anderson
Facebook is a branding or lead generation platform.
Vinay Babani
Should you use tikktokk for your business?
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